So, you started a business to make a positive impact?

Take your vision from social intentions to Social Impact by building an organisation where

  • communication is clear, project status is transparent, the inputs are diverse and groundbreaking, and everyone is working in tandem towards the desired outcomes

  • everyone across all areas is attuned to the organisation’s goals and aligned with the values and strategy that propels you forward

  • conflict ends in the organisation becoming better for all of its people, inside and outside

Stressed employees don’t have the bandwidth to change the world - you included.

For your organisation to be able to impact the world in a positive way, first it has to impact everyone working there in a positive way.

But you know and I know that that’s easier said than done. There are a million competing priorities at all times between investors, the market, the need for cashflow for your organisation to continue existing… Those tensions exist, but the real contradiction is not between your organisation’s goals and doing right by your employees.

The real contradiction is that we cannot create positive social impact, unless we start inside our organisations.

The key is collaboration anchored firmly in trust.

I work with organisations working towards a positive social impact offering various tools. We explore the best tools for your organisation together.

  • Uncover your organisation’s areas for improvement in a dedicated audit.

  • Broaden your personal management capacity to deal with the tension of competing priorities in a coaching setting.

  • Let me join your team as we explore together how your organisational design can best support your strategic goals in a consulting project.

  • Learn more about the ins and outs of building a social impact strategy, operationalising your organisational values, creating an inclusive environment and more in courses and workshops.


You’re a founder or manager in a purpose-attuned early-stage team who wants to create a workplace that works for everyone. Maybe deep down you feel that the things we default to don’t benefit most people in an organisation. Sometimes they don’t benefit anyone. Collaboration is not just a buzz word for you, it’s how you want to bring your initial idea into the world

You are ready to be intentional about how you work together.


A systems thinker and passionate challenger of facades and illusions. My deepest drive is shifting our focus away from centring perceptions to centring fairness, trust and clarity in organisations. 

I’m a firm believer in building collaboration that is better than our current outdated and harmful defaults.